Year 11 Parents Revision Evening Thursday 19th October 2023

At Ridgewood, we are committed to ensuring that Parents and Carers have the tools to support their child with their learning, revision and independent work at home. Of course, this is of particular importance as Year 11 students have now started their final year at secondary school.

To support this, we would like to invite our Year 11 parents to our Year 11 Revision Evening, taking place on Thursday 19th October 2023, from 6.00pm-7.30pm. This event will take place in H Block. This evening is the second of two events about effective preparation for exams, the first of which was held in March 2023 and was well attended by our parent group. We would welcome and encourage students to also attend this evening with their parents.

The evening will consist of five workshops that you are invited to take part in;

  • Workshop 1 – English in H2 with Mrs. Wright

  • Workshop 2 – Maths in H3 with Mrs. Powis

  • Workshop 3 – Science in The Library with Mr. Dunstan

  • Workshop 4 – Effective Revision Strategies in H10 with Mrs. Harper

  • Workshop 5 – Positive Frame of Mind during Exams in H7 with Mr. Ewing

Each workshop will last fifteen minutes, and you will rotate from one workshop to another. We would welcome and encourage students to also attend this evening with their parents. Parents are reminded that parking is limited on our school site and so if it is possible, please walk to school!

How to confirm your attendance:

If you could kindly confirm your attendance by completing the form on EduLink, we would be most grateful.

We know that effective partnerships between school and home lead to excellent outcomes for students, and parental attendance at this evening will ensure you feel equipped with the information you need to provide support for your child during this important period of their academic lives.

Ridgewood High School