Ridgewood Welcomes Author Joel Arcanjo

Ridgewood had the pleasure of welcoming the author Joel Arcanjo on Wednesday 27th September. He signed copies of his latest children's book 'Crookhaven: The Forgotten Maze' for our Year 7's in the library. Then we were joined by Year 6's (and staff) from St James’s CE Primary School, who took part in a fantastic question and answer session with him.

Afterwards, he gave a detailed and captivating presentation all about his books, how he creates his characters and plots and also his own book inspirations. He asked questions from the audience and read an extract from his latest book. Our students participated really well and enjoyed their time with him throughout!

Joel is about to embark on a wonderful new venture of turning his books into a ten-part children's drama series, destined for a TV streaming service. We wish Joel every success with his writing career in the future and thank him for his work with our children.

Ridgewood High School