Year 6 to Year 7 Transition
Welcome to our Transition page! This page is here as a resource for our new intake, to provide you with key information and to help you feel prepared and comfortable for the next big step in your education!
Follow us! The best way to keep up to date with our school is on our social media:
September 2025
Over the coming months you will receive several communications from us about the start of your child’s Ridgewood journey. This will include the following:
Welcome letter
Head of Year letter
Head Prefect letter
Form Tutor letter
Data pack
Free school meals letter
Induction Day/Evening letter
Induction pack
Ridgecamp letter
Parentpay letter
Once these letters have been sent, we will also include a copy below.
If you have questions, please do get in touch with us on
This is our annual overnight camping experience for all new starters.
Students take part in an entire day of teambuilding activities that focus on leadership, collaboration and of course having some fun with friends, both new and old. Students will be off-timetable all day, and not expected to wear uniform. They should wear comfortable, sensible clothes suitable for being outside all day.
Students will have lunch as normal during the day.
If students have tents that they would like to bring, then great, if not, we have some they can borrow. Whilst we allow students to pick their own their own groups for who is in their tents (strictly same sex sleeping arrangements), the purpose of RidgeCamp is to help students make friends and develop skills in working together. With this in mind, we’d advise students against thinking too much about who they will share a tent with right now. This can wait until September!
We order our tea from the local chip shop in Wollaston, and we’ll provide a menu for students to make their choices from in September.
The following morning, students will have breakfast together (bacon and sausage sandwiches) before heading home. RidgeCamp usually finishes at about 10am on the Saturday morning, although we know many students will have commitments at clubs on that morning, so if parents/carers need to collect students early, that’s fine… we’ll be awake!
We ask parents/carers for a small voluntary contribution of £10 to help us run this event, which is payable through ParentPay. You’ll receive details of how to do this on Transition Evening.
Here at Ridgewood, we believe that appearance is important. In light of this we are a uniform school and ask that all students who attend follow the school’s uniform code.
We expect our students to wear their uniform with pride and to always look smart with their shirts tucked in and ties worn properly.
Head over to our school uniform page for all the information you need about what to wear to school and where to get it from.
Learn About Our Subjects
Welcome Video
Our SENCO, Mrs Rose will be meeting with the SENCO in each primary school along with parents and guardians of students with additional needs to really find out how we can best support them when they come to us. Our SEN students will come to us to see the school with their parents and guardians at various points in the summer term to help ease any anxieties and help them to familiarise themselves with the new school. All our SEN students will have a bespoke plan put in place to help support their needs which is done in collaboration with our SENCO, parents, guardians and the primary school. We are very much a family at Ridgewood and want all our new students, parents and guardians to feel part of that family. Any students who suffer with anxiety or nerves about the transition are also more than welcome to come and visit the school at regular intervals in order to familiarise them with their new staff, classrooms and just the general maze that a secondary school can present!
You can find more information about SEND at Ridgewood here.
The Pastoral Team
Head of Year 7: Miss Sophie Gower
Support and Guidance Officer: Mrs Louise Du Mont
SENCO: Mrs Jenna Rose
Assistant Head for Pastoral support and Primary Transition: Mr Ewing