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Friends of Ridgewood High School

Friends of Ridgewood High School is a group who want to make a positive contribution to the school in a number of ways.

We meet every half term to plan fund-raising events and support many events throughout the year, including social functions, school concerts, discos, parents and open evenings. We have contributed to purchasing many important items for school including the defibrillator, a wheelchair and equipment for many subjects.  Our current aim is to raise money for table tennis sports equipment.

We are pleased to have so many members of the association but are always keen to welcome more.  The Annual General Meeting is in September and after that we meet every half term.  Being part of the association is a good way to stay involved in your child’s education and support your local community.  If you would like to join us or would like to volunteer to support with events please contact Sarah Aldis on 01384 818445 or email  

Meeting Dates

Next meeting is on Friday 28th June at 5pm in the school library.