Welcome to our Exams page. Please check this page regularly for updated exams/assessment information and guidance. Information is also available on the Exams notice board in H Block.
GCSE/Cambridge National Exams Summer 25
Our Summer 25 GCSE written exams will commence on Thursday 8 May 2025.
A copy of the Summer 25 GCSE and Cambridge Nationals written exam timetable is available below.
Students will be issued with their own personal exam timetable in the spring term.
Please note that students MUST remain available and able to come in to school up to and including the JCQ exam contingency date of 25 June 2025, should any exams need to be re-scheduled by the awarding bodies.
Students may also need to complete practical assessments for some subjects in addition to their written exams - please see below for assessment dates and times.
GCSE Results Day will take place in school on Thursday 21 August 2025
Examination and Assessment Guidance
All students taking GCSE/Cambridge National examinations and assessments MUST ensure that they have read the appropriate guidance regarding their assessments. Please click on the link below to access the latest JCQ information for candidates:
Non Examination Assessments and Coursework
Information for students taking qualifications that include a non-examination assessment unit (Cambridge National or GCSE qualifications) is available below; please also refer to the important 'JCQ information for candidates' documents within our 'examination and assessment guidance' section below.
Awarding Bodies - Privacy Notices
Awarding bodies need to collect, store and use information to ensure that they can provide services that best meet students’ needs. Individual awarding bodies’ Privacy Notices, explaining what information they collect, what they do with it, and how they keep it secure, may be accessed via the links below:
AQA: https://www.aqa.org.uk/privacy-notice/student-privacy-notice
Pearson: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/privacy-policy.html
Information for students and parents and/or carers
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Cannon.
Top tips for parents/carers - helping children prepare for exams
For helpful guidance to support your child throughout the exam period please click here.
Policies - Exam
Exam policies can be found via the Examination Policies page.
In accordance with the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) regulations, Ridgewood High School has in place a range of policies to support the delivery and administration of assessments and exams. For more information regarding these policies, please contact the Exams Officer at exams@ridgewood.dudley.sch.uk