Mayor's Ball and Civic Awards - Nominations now open!

Dudley Council is once again looking to recognise people who work tirelessly in the community and are calling on people from across the borough to put forward nominations. Is there someone at Ridgewood who you feel deserves one of these titles? This could be someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the community or who has set an inspiring example to others through their effort and determination.

The categories in full are:

The Thomas Attwood award for education

The Duncan Edwards award for sport

The Frank Foley award for community spirit

The Cedric Hardwicke award for arts

The William Shenstone award for environment

The Mike Holder award for business

It can be a colleague, family member or friend, someone you have nominated in a previous year or someone new.

Should you know someone who fits this description, you can nominate online at and the closing date is Sunday 3 March.

Ridgewood High School