Easter School 2024

At Ridgewood, we know how well our Year 11 students are preparing for their upcoming exams. To support this further, we will be running Easter School during the Easter holidays. This will take place on Tuesday 26 March, Wednesday 27 March and Thursday 28 March 2024. Sessions will run from 09.30-11.30 in the morning, and 12.30-14.30 in the afternoon. Students do not have to wear their uniform and can leave site during the break to get some lunch if they would like to. A full timetable of sessions will be released shortly, and students will be able to sign up to these sessions via Clubs on EduLink. Easter School has historically been very well attended by students who have found this additional, focused tuition beneficial, and complimentary to studies already taking place at home. We will share the full timetable soon!

Ridgewood High School