Well done so far Year 11!

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this finds you well. At Ridgewood, we can see how brilliantly our Year 11 students are approaching their exams. This week has been full of challenges – English, Maths, Science, French, Media, Sport, Geography, Sociology exams… to name a few – but students have responded very well and are clearly giving these exams their all. We have a few wobbles in school, and we do recognise the feeling of coming out of a tricky exam can be overwhelming, but in our experience, finding an exam hard is usually a good sign! Please make sure your child has some downtime this weekend… perhaps sometime spent with family or friends, a sport, a nice meal out or perhaps even some retail therapy! I know many of them will be tempted to spend all weekend revising, but the downtime is equally as important. Monday will soon be upon us and students will need to be at their freshest to give the exams their all.

We cannot be prouder of how well Year 11 are doing. They are an absolute credit to our school, your families, and themselves

Have a lovely, sunny weekend.

Yours faithfully,

James Cannon

Deputy Headteacher