Message for parents/carers - Year 11s - Study Leave

As our Year 11’s are about to commence their study leave after the half-term break, we would like remind you of examination start times.

All AM exams begin at 9am. We would suggest students are on site by 8.45, but they do not have to go to their form room. Some students may access our Breakfast Sessions which will continue to run after half-term. These begin at 8am.

All PM exams begin at 1pm. We would suggest students are on site by 12.45. If students wish to dine with us before an exam, they are welcome to do so. Please ensure they have appropriate funds on ParentPay if so.

If students have an AM and PM exam on the same day, they are welcome to stay in school during the gap between the exams. They should sign in, in H Block so we know they are present and let Mr Cannon or Mrs Truslove know they are on site, and we will find a suitable place for them to work!

Please also note that students are expected to wear their school uniform for all exams.