English GCSE Revision Guides


Our students will be studying Macbeth for their English Literature GCSE. We recommend either the York Notes or CGP Guide for the text that the student is studying.


Pupils have to learn 15 poems from the 'Love and Relationships' cluster of poetry and we recommend the green CGP book below for revision. For 'Unseen Poetry', which pupils also have to prepare for, we recommend the purple CGP book.

Modern Text

Our students will be studying An Inspector Calls for their English Literature GCSE. We recommend either the York Notes or CGP Guide for the text that the student is studying.

19th Century Text

Our students will be studying A Christmas Carol for their English Literature GCSE. We recommend either the York Notes or CGP Guide for the text that the student is studying.

English Language

For English Language, we recommend any of the books below.
